SB21821SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to improve the affordability of preventive health care, State Senator Steve Stadelman is sponsoring legislation to eliminate certain fees.

“There’s no reason for hospital-owned health facilities to charge extra fees, especially if it’s a greedy facility fee,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “Health care is already expensive enough as is, and we have a responsibility to make it more affordable for Illinoisans.”

Senate Bill 2182 would make it illegal for a health care facility to charge a facility fee for preventive services provided to a patient at any associated clinic. A facility fee is a charge imposed by hospitals and health facilities for the use of their space, equipment and administrative services, separate from the fees charged by doctors or other health care providers.

“Patients don’t deserve unexpected costs when they seek routine health care,” said Stadelman. “We need to put patients over profit, especially when it’s preventive health care.”

Senate Bill 2182 awaits to be assigned to a Senate committee.