SPRINGFIELD – Following an Illinois Supreme Court decision that weakened protections for journalists, State Senator Steve Stadelman is working to safeguard the rights of Illinoisans and news outlets to state their opinions in the media.
“This legislation is needed in order to protect media and what they do on a daily basis,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “We need to stand up for free press and speech, and this measure shows our efforts to do so."
Senate Bill 1181 builds on existing law to ensure the Citizens Participation Act protects individuals and the press from lawsuits intended to silence or intimidate them, regardless of the motive behind the lawsuit. A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) is a legal tactic used to silence or intimidate critics by burdening them with costly and time-consuming litigation, often targeting individuals or organizations who speak out on issues of public interest.
The Supreme Court ruled the state’s anti-SLAPP law did not protect media outlets or journalists. Stadelman’s legislation clarifies news organizations should be shielded from retaliatory lawsuits.
Senate Bill 1181 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday.