Stadelman votes to advance Fair Tax amendment
Illinois voters will have the chance to decide whether the state can adopt a new income tax structure under a measure that passed the Illinois Senate this week. State Senator Steve Stadelman joined colleagues in voting for Senate Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 1, which would allow the state to adopt a Fair Tax system as opposed to the current flat tax.
"We are one of the few states that taxes a minimum wage worker the same as a millionaire," Stadelman said. "I think it is only fair for us to ask voters if they think we should have a more equitable tax system."
Under the current Illinois Constitution, the state is prohibited from taxing income at a graduate rate like the propsed Fair Tax. SJRCA 1 would put a referendum on the ballot of the 2020 election to change that. Having passed the Senate, the amendment now goes to the Illinois House of Representatives.
Bipartisan effort brings $170,000 in state funds for Rockford playground reconstruction
Steve Stadelman and fellow Senator Dave Syverson secured a $170,000 Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity grant to rebuild aging playgrounds at Lewis Lemon Elementary School and Terry Lee Wells Park at the STEAM Academy at Haskell School.
Stadelman and Syverson announced the state's contribution at a news conference at Haskell, where the Rockford Park District and Rockford School District also pledged $100,000 each toward replacement of the playgrounds, which no longer meet safety standards. Playgrounds on the sites of the former Walker and White Swan elementary schools also are being refurbished. Both schools have been closed and demolished.
“During our community-wide meetings, we heard loud and clear that our citizens’ top priorities are our beautiful parks and playgrounds," Rockford Park District Executive Director Jay Sandine said. "We are so thankful to senators Stadelman and Syverson for their continued support of our community and families.”
Senate passes Stadelman measures to fight urban blight
State Senator Steve Stadelman has won approval in the Illinois Senate for legislation he introduced to streamline the process for dealing with vacant homes and the negative impact they have on neighborhoods and communities across the state.
Senate Bill 2052 allows municipalities to transfer government-owned properties to a county or intergovernmental agency without triggering the formal statutory process that is imposed on non-home rule cities like Rockford. Senate Bill 2097 gives counties authority to purchase blighted properties to renovate them for resale and keep the profits of the sale in order to renovate more homes.
The legislation would enact recommendations made by the Illinois Community Revitalization Task Force, a panel created to help reduce blighted properties and revitalize communities throughout Illinois. Stadelman worked with Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara and the Illinois Housing Development Authority in developing legislation to address foreclosures that have hurt homeowners ability to recover from the economic downturn.
Stadelman's bills are now pending in the House of Representatives.
In case you missed me on Facebook ...
The annual Senate-House basketball game took place last night. The Senate won. ?? But, most importantly, no one got hurt. ??
79 LikesLitesa E. Wallace, Dan Erwin and 77 others
Kwame Raoul Steve was the real MVP! Kept us in the game when nobody else could score and handled their press well.
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Steve Stadelman Game analysis from our Attorney General!?
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Frank E. Cymerman That shirt tho!!!!
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Steve Stadelman Old WTVO shirt....where dd I find that??
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Enjoyed reading to students at Summerdale Early Learning Center. Legislators joined law enforcement officials to call for increased state investments in early childhood education, particularly access to preschool.
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids- Illinois
Today at a Rockford RPS 205 preschool, law enforcement and state legislators came together to read to 3- and 4-year-olds and acknowledge the clear benefits of p...
24 LikesBeth Higgins, Brandon Bailey and 22 others
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Amy Estabrook Thank you!! Preschool education is so very important and sadly unappreciated by most. I hope that one day every child will have access to a preschool education. Every child deserves the best start at life. Thank you so so much!
Stadelman passes bill to give pharmacists leeway in providing low-cost drugs
Legislation that would allow pharmacists to tell consumers about less expensive options for prescription drugs has been passed out of the Illinois Senate by State Senator Steve Stadelman. Senate Bill 1557 removes the so-called “gag rule” on pharmacists that prevents them from telling patients they could save money on prescriptions by paying cash, rather than using their health insurance, or by using generic drugs.
“A pharmacist should be able to tell you that $20 prescription could only cost you $8 if you pay by cash,” Stadelman said. “Needlessly charging Illinoisans more for their prescriptions by keeping them in the dark is not defensible.
The “gag rule,” permissible under current Illinois law, usually is a clause that is inserted into contracts by pharmacy benefit managers to muzzle druggists.
"Unfortunately, your local neighborhood pharmacist can’t even tell you if there are cheaper alternatives available to you,” Stadelman said. “By freeing them up, we can hopefully save people some of their hard earned money.”
The legislation passed the Senate unanimously and now goes to the House of Representatives
Stadelman advances measure to help children of fallen officers afford college
The children of officers killed in the line of duty will be eligible for a scholarship to the University of Illinois under legislation passed by State Senator Steve Stadelman. Under current law, each county in the state is entitled to one scholarship to the University for the children of veterans of certain wars and conflicts. Senate Bill 457 would add the children of fallen police officers to the list of eligible recipients.
“When officers are killed in the line of duty, their families are often left with many burdens,” Stadelman said. “This legislation recognizes that and sends a message to those families that the state will do what it can to help.”
Stadelman was moved to introduce the legislation by the death of McHenry County Sherriff’s Deputy Jacob Keltner, who was killed in early March while serving an arrest warrant at a hotel in Rockford. Keltner’s funeral was attended by about 3,500 people, including uniformed police officers from around the country.
The proposal passed the Senate unanimously and now goes to the House of Representatives.
In case you missed me on Facebook ...
Congrats to World War II veteran Lowell Wagner who celebrated his 95th birthday today at the Boone County Veterans Assistance Commission! Lowell has another big moment to celebrate Thursday with his 39th wedding anniversary!! Also, great to see Boone County VAC Superintendent (and former Ch. 17 reporter) Robert Randall Ryder, Judge Joe Bruscato and VAC Asst. Supt. Elizabeth Carville.
52 LikesGwen Kahl Lashock, Michelle Gorham and 50 others
Lynn Rode Thank you for your service and happy happy 95th! Cheers!
And happy 39th anniversary. Enjoy.
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Michelle L Anderson-Caples Happy birthday. Thank you for your service. Have a wonderful day.
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Robert Randall Ryder Always great to see you again Senator Stadelman!!! Thanks for stopping by to congratulate Lowell!!
Always fun at the RAMI Awards. Had the honor of announcing the winner of the People's Choice - Artist of the Year. Congrats to Shifty Shafer!
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation that would require greater regional representation on the Illinois Tollway Board has passed the Illinois Senate.
“I think it’s fair to say that if you have a tollway in your community, then your community deserves a seat at the table,” State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) said. “This legislation corrects that problem for the Lake, Winnebago, Boone and McHenry County communities.”
The Toll Highway includes 294 miles in five tollways that run through 12 counties: Cook, DuPage, Lake, Will, Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Kane, DeKalb, Ogle, Whiteside and Lee.
Senate Bill 764 was filed after none of the nine seats on the board overseeing the toll way were filled with members from Winnebago or Lake counties. It would require the governor to appoint one member from Lake County and one from either Winnebago, Boone or McHenry counties.
Senate Bill 764 passed the Senate unanimously and now goes to the House of Representatives.
Stadelman, Bush call for regional parity on Illinois Tollway Board
After none of the nine seats on the board were filled with members from Winnebago or Lake counties, State Senator Steve Stadelman and colleague Melinda Bush responded with a legislative proposal to require greater regional representation on the Illinois Tollway Board. Senate Bill 794, which would mandate the governor to immediately appoint one member from Lake County and one member from either Winnebago, Boone or McHenry counties, was approved today in the Senate and now advances to the House.
“Residents of counties serviced by the tollway ought to have someone on the board representing their interests,” State Senator Steve Stadelman said. “This bill guarantees that those very residents get that representation and aren’t forgotten.”
The Toll Highway includes 294 miles in five tollways that run through 12 counties: Cook, DuPage, Lake, Will, Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Kane, DeKalb, Ogle, Whiteside and Lee.
“We have a law that says no more than five members of the tollway board may be from the same political party,” said Bush of Grayslake. “There should be a law that ensures geographic diversity on the board as well. Lake County is one of the largest financial contributors to the tollway. I think it's fair to demand a local voice for Lake County residents on the tollway board.”
Stadelman stresses importance of accurate 2020 Census count
Senator Steve Stadelman has announced his support of legislative proposals aimed at getting a full and accurate count in Illinois during the 2020 Census, noting the consequences of an undercount could include the loss of billions in federal funding along with two congressional seats and two Electoral College votes.
Stadelman believes these efforts are critical as the federal government attempts to conduct the count entirely online for the first time, a move that may increase efficiency but also presents a challenge for people without computers or easy access to the internet.
For more information on the 2020 census, visit
Health-care professionals share views on state issues
State Senator Steve Stadelman and other lawmakers who represent the Rockford area met with medical experts to hear their thoughts on bills pending in Springfield. Topics ranged from marijuana use to health insurance at the forum organized by the Rockford Regional Health Council.
In case you missed me on Facebook ...
Lily and Eli Freeman, of Winnebago, were my legislative pages for the day. Great to have them on the Senate floor! And thanks to their grandparents, Linda and Richard Hamlet, for bringing them to Springfield!
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