State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) presented a bill to the Senate judiciary committee that will allow domestic violence victims to continue using their cell phone plans after separating from their abusers.
“Leaving an abusive relationship is difficult, and there are many roadblocks you might not think about unless you’ve been in that situation,” Stadelman said. “Anything we can do to make it easier to leave is a positive step.”
The measure requires wireless providers to transfer the right to continue to use phone numbers on an account the victim shares with the abuser. Similar legislation was recently enacted in California, Missouri and Wisconsin.
SB 57 passed unanimously in committee and will move to the Senate for consideration.
State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) voted today for a measure that will authorize a new casino in Rockford. The measure, part of the Senate’s grand bargain, passed 31-26.
“I’m tired of seeing buses of Rockford residents going to casinos in Wisconsin and Iowa,” Stadelman said. “Those entertainment dollars should be spent in Illinois to help pay for our schools, roads and other improvement projects.”
In addition to Rockford, the legislation authorizes new casinos in Chicago, Lake County, South Suburban Chicago, Danville and unincorporated Williamson County.
Stadelman supported similar gambling expansion plans in 2012 and 2013, which were approved by lawmakers but vetoed by Gov. Pat Quinn.
As the director of Circles of Learning daycare center in Rockford, Anita Rummage’s passion is providing a safe, fun place for children to play and learn while their parents work.
But the state’s historic budget crisis has stopped Anita from accepting as many children as she would wish. For the first time ever, the center doesn’t have a wait list. That’s because the eligibility requirements for the Child Care Assistance Program changed in November 2015.
Instead of accepting families whose income is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level, the program now offers assistance to families with income at or below 162% of the poverty line. Additionally, parents who are attending school full-time to receive their undergraduate degree are no longer eligible for assistance.
Anita says several families fall into those categories and have therefore been unable to send their children to Circles of Learning. The daycare center itself has made ends meet during the crisis, being a bit more economical on purchasing supplies here and there, but Anita truly hopes the Child Care Assistance Program can be restored to the level it was before the budget crisis so she can welcome the children stuck in limbo.
State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) released the statement below following Gov. Bruce Rauner’s 2017 budget address.
“I appreciate that Governor Rauner acknowledged the bipartisan effort of my colleagues in the Senate and our work on a budget deal. I am, however, disappointed that the he did not fulfill his constitutional duty to propose a balanced budget.
“Illinois has been greatly hurt by the unprecedented budget impasse. With funding now stopped for services for our most vulnerable citizens, it is more urgent than ever that we end this stalemate.
“In the Senate, I look forward to continuing to work toward a negotiated, bipartisan budget for the first time in over two years.”
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