Senator Stadelman testified in support of Senate Bill 1859 during Wednesday's meeting of the Senate Executive Committee at the Capitol. The Rockford Register Star was there to cover it:
The bill's sponsor, Sen. Steve Stadelman, D-Rockford, said it was time to move the proposal forward, even though all talks are ongoing to resolve labor leaders' outstanding concerns.
"I'm going to do everything I can to keep both parties negotiating and work through their issues while keeping this bill moving forward," Stadelman said.
SB 1859 passed the Executive Committee unanimously and will be considered by the full Senate next month.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) and his colleagues on the Senate Appropriations II Committee heard testimony from several state offices today regarding the current backlog of bills weighing down Illinois' budget. It is estimated that Comptroller Judy Barr Topinka's office has more than $7 billion in backlog bills in her office, and that figure does not include the estimated $2.5 billion state agencies have not yet sent to be processed.
Stadelman released the following statement after the hearing:
"It is upsetting to know that there are businesses and organizations across the Rock River Valley that provided services in good faith for the state of Illinois, and they are now being asked to wait months to be paid for their work. Our schools are waiting six months to get the funding they need to operate, and that is just not acceptable. No business of any size can sustain this. As a new legislator, I'm not sure how we got into this mess, but I will be focusing on finding a reasonable solution to get us out of it."
Since 2007, Rockford's amateur sports tournaments have dropped 11 percent annually, resulting in $1.4 million loss for the region each year. In an effort to turn this downward trend around, local economic development and city planners, elected officials, business owners, and labor leaders collaborated on a proposal that would not only bring back Rockford's declining sports tournaments, but expand our resources to make Rockford the amateur sports tournament capital of the Midwest.
The plan will transition the former Ingersoll building into a riverside indoor sports complex, while making improvements to Sportscore One and Two. The project, Reclaiming First, was introduced in December 2011 and has rallied support from across Winnebago County and the surrounding area.
The best selling point of the Reclaiming First proposal is that the majority, if not all, of the estimated $37.5 million needed in funding for the new project would come from non-local sources, including grants, charitable contributions and state funding.
My first initiative as the new state senator is to make sure that this project gets the jump start it needs from Springfield. Senate Bill 1859, my first piece of legislation, allows Winnebago County to impose a two percent tax on hotel stays. It is estimated that this new tax, which would be shouldered by out-of-town visitors, would generate $13 million for the Reclaiming First project. Currently in the City of Rockford, hotel guests pay a 12 percent tax at checkout, but surrounding areas like Peoria and Galesburg have a 13 percent tax, and Chicago has a 16.4 percent tax.
I will keep you updated on the progress of Senate Bill 1859 as the spring session continues. To track the legislation, please click here.
Reclaiming First has an in-depth PDF presentation available on its website that gives both a visual and written picture of the benefits of the proposed plan. To see the presentation, please click here. Also, you can visit for more information and updates.
SPRINGFIELD – Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) and 10 other newly elected Democrats were inaugurated into the Illinois State Senate during ceremonies today at the Capitol. Stadelman represents the 34th District in the new 98th General Assembly as a member of the majority Democratic Caucus, which has a record 40 of 59 seats.
"What an honor to take the oath of office today on behalf of the people of the greater Rockford area," Stadelman said. "I am eager to get to work addressing our state's economy, our financial future, improving education and services to seniors in Illinois."
Stadelman is a newcomer to public service yet a veteran in serving the community as a 25-year reporter and news anchor for WTVO in Rockford, earning an Associated Press Best Documentary award in 2003. He has been active in Rockford Public Schools and coaching children's athletic teams. Steve and his wife have four children and live in Rockford.
The 34th District consists of the central and southeast portion of Winnebago County.
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