Legislature overrides governor's veto of equal pay for African Americans
More than half a century since the federal Civil Rights Act became law, American workers continue to earn different wages based on their race.

According to a 2017 Federal Reserve study, black men and women earn persistently lower wages than their white counterparts -- a wage gap that is widening and cannot be adequately explained by differences in education, age, job type or location.

In 1979, the average black man in the United States earned 80 percent of the wages earned by the average white man. By 2016, that gap had grown to 70 percent. The same is true for black women, who in 1979 earned 95 percent of what white women earned, compared to 82 percent in 2016.

Despite evidence of an expanding gap, Gov. Bruce Rauner vetoed House Bill 4743 to prohibit Illinois employers from paying wages to African Americans at a rate less than the rate paid to an employee who is not African American for the same or substantially similar work.

Senator Steve Stadelman was part of a bipartisan effort to reverse the governor's veto in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly last week. As a result, the African-American Equal Pay Act takes effect Jan. 1, 2019.

Illinois turns 200!
The Prairie State celebrated its bicentennial Monday with a public birthday bash at Navy Pier in Chicago, capping a year full of festivities.

"During the course of 2018, we all had the opportunity to reflect on people and events and that make our state so great -- from the legacies of Presidents Lincoln, Grant, Reagan and Obama to innovations in agriculture and milestones in the advancement of civil rights," State Senator Steve Stadelman said.

Locally, official bicentennial events included parties at the Coronado Performing Arts Center and Rockford City Market honoring the 75th anniversary of the Rockford Peaches, the women's professional baseball team immortalized in the film "A League of Their Own."

In case you missed me on Facebook ...

Steve Stadelman
December 2 at 10:16 PM
Took part in the Blazo 7th Annual Local Celeb Basketball Game. I was definitely out of my league...but had a great time! Thanks to Mike Relerford for the invite and everyone who played and helped out a good cause!










 Steve Stadelman
December 2 at 12:13 PM
Thanks to Janene Stephenson, her group Positive Reflections and all the volunteers and sponsors for organizing last night's Annual Community Holiday Party at Patriots' Gateway Center! They provided 500 toys, free food and great memories for kids and adults!