Stadelman renews push for Rockford casino
Following outgoing Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s call for a Chicago-based casino, State Senator and Illinois Senate Gaming Committee Chairman Steve Stadelman announced his commitment to ensuring a state gaming expansion includes a facility in Rockford.
“Additional gaming is an opportunity to create jobs and fund improvements to schools and our crumbling infrastructure,” Stadelman said. “The General Assembly needs to consider what’s best for the whole state, not just Chicago.”
In a recent speech to the Chicago City Council, Mayor Emanuel revealed he has been negotiating a plan to include a casino in Chicago with legislative leaders. Under Emanuel’s proposal, the revenue generated from the facility would be used to pay off the city’s pension debt.
Stadelman also encouraged lawmakers to act quickly due to a casino potentially being built in nearby Beloit, Wisconsin.
“For years, the Rockford community has lost out on the jobs and revenue created by a casino,” Stadelman said. “It’s time to build a diverse coalition of interests to ensure these resources benefit our community – not Wisconsin.”
•   WIFR-23 news report

10 to know: New laws take effect Jan. 1










Rear-facing car seats, blaze pink hunting clothes and required school safety drills are among the subjects contained in new state laws that take effect Jan. 1, 2019.

In all, 253 new laws will be added to Illinois statutes on Jan. 1.

Watch our slide show about the new laws

Factoids about Illinois’ new laws

Browse the full list of new laws

From A (aromatherapy) to Y (yoga): Stadelman's Wellness Fair offered something for every woman

sshealthfair1Women learned about their rights to health insurance, how to find help for food addiction and ways to benefit from low-impact yoga without leaving their desks as part of a new Speakers Series at Senator Stadelman's Women's Wellness Fair 2018.
For the fourth year in a row, women who attended the Dec. 9 event also received an array of free medical and alternative health services from flu and pneumonia immunizations, cholesterol, blood-glucose and Body Mass Index (BMI) readings to Medicare and Medicaid advice, massage demonstrations, skincare consultations and information on weight-loss support groups, healing crystals and chakra stones. Women registered with the Illinois Secretary of State to be organ and tissue donors and with the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, which provides free exams for women who are uninsured.

Guests also enjoyed harp and flute duo by Emerald Wind and complimentary refreshments including gourmet coffee from Rockford Roasting Company.

"I organize the event annually because uncertainty and confusion continues to surround health care," Stadelman said, "and because everyone deserves affordable options."  
Stadelman said the event would not be possible without the support of the Rockford Park District and the use of Kresge Hall at Riverfront Museum Park. He also credited the 30 nonprofit agencies, local businesses and government offices that again generously provided medical services at no charge along and giveaways ranging from tote bags to toothbrushes to topical analgesics.