Budget brings tax relief for Illinois families: Stadelman

As the Illinois Senate approved a new budget for the upcoming fiscal year Sunday, State Senator Steve Stadelman remarked that he was proud to support a key provision that will put money back into the pockets of Illinois residents by eliminating the state-imposed sales tax on groceries.

“This measure offers relief against skyrocketing grocery prices,” Stadelman said. “By eliminating the state-imposed sales tax on groceries, we can provide financial relief to families across the state, making essential items more affordable.”

Stadelman supported the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, which takes effect July 1. The budget include increased funding for education but remains balanced for a sixth straight year, ensuring continued fiscal stability for Illinois. The budget continues the state's commitment of a $350 million increase toward the evidence-based funding model for K-12 education while also growing the state’s Rainy Day Fund and investing more money into retirees by fully funding pensions.

“This budget takes the necessary steps to address some of the pressing issues facing our state,” Stadelman said. “The boost to education funding will provide important resources for our students, giving them access to quality education and the tools they need to succeed. By increasing state funding for education, we also help relieve the property tax pressures that have burdened homeowners for too long.”

Stadelman leads pro-business initiative for clean-energy manufacturing, quantum development

An economic growth package that contains incentives for cutting-edge technology and clean-energy manufacturing along with the creation of new jobs in cities like Rockford cleared the Senate on Sunday, propelled by the efforts of State Senator Steve Stadelman.

The new incentives build on the 2021 Stadelman-sponsored Reimaging Energy and Vehicles (REV) Act, which made Illinois a hub for electric vehicle manufacturing and auto battery production by drawing EV businesses to invest in Illinois. Manufacturing created by Stadelman’s new measure will add to the impressive array of zero-carbon technologies being developed in Illinois by adding incentives for green steel manufacturers and electric and hybrid aircraft.

“Thanks to the REV incentive program, Stellantis is investing nearly $5 billion in the 34th District, leading to thousands of new jobs in the Belvidere community,” Stadelman said. “This package will expand on these incentive programs and update our business development tools to make sure Illinois remains competitive for jobs and new capital investment.”

Central, western and northern Illinois communities eligible for the River Edge Tax Credit will benefit from an expansion of the program that gives income tax credits to project owners who rehabilitate historic buildings to revitalize riverfront communities like Rockford, Peoria and Elgin. The package also extends tax incentives to next-generation emerging industries like quantum computing.

Quantum computing, a complex processing technology similar to supercomputing, is exponentially faster than our current computer processing abilities. While no quantum computer yet exists, a partnership between Illinois’ top universities is currently researching pathways to create functional quantum computing technology. Stadelman’s measure would establish an incentivized enterprise zone for the creation of a quantum computing campus to be located at a site in Illinois.

“A dedicated research campus for the advancement of this technology would cement Illinois as a global leader in quantum technology, putting us on par with tech leaders like Silicon Valley,” Stadelman said. “From securing our energy grid, to developing the next frontier in aerospace capabilities, the technological advancements this measure will generate will directly benefit local taxpayers by creating good-paying jobs and long-term investments.”

House Bill 5005 passed Sunday in the Senate and heads to the Illinois House for approval.

Stadelman-sponsored worker empowerment bill heads to governor's desk

State Senator Steve Stadelman’s legislation to support electrical workers across Illinois was approved in the Senate this week and now heads to the governor for his signature.

If signed, the Illinois Secretary of State will be allowed to issue an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers decal for universal special license plates. The money made from the decals would be paid as grants to local chapters of the IBEW.

“This bill represents a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to support the IBEW and their crucial role in Illinois,” Stadelman said. “By facilitating the issuance of special license plates and establishing a dedicated fund, we are not only honoring the contributions of electrical workers, but also investing in the prosperity and safety of our communities.”

State Rep. Dave Vella sponsored the legislation in the House, where it passed earlier in the month.

In case you missed me on Facebook ...

Steve Stadelman is in Downtown Rockford
May 27 at 7:20 PM

Memorial Day 2024.
While the holiday marks the unofficial start of summer, we must remember and honor the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation.


Steve Stadelman
May 23 at 3:47 PM

Congratulations to the Belvidere School District 100 Bucs and Belvidere North Blue Thunder, who faced off last night in the 10th anniversary Stateline Quiz Bowl 10th anniversary high school finale live at The RPL Nordlof Center. Thank you to Bergstrom Inc. and Chairman Dave Rydell for sponsoring the program, which WTVO-17 will air at 7 p.m. Friday. I was happy to offer a video greeting for the occasion.

Steve Stadelman is in Springfield, IL.
May 20 at 5:59 PM

Seven Belvidere Police Department officers, who responded when a tornado hit the Apollo Theater last year, were honored for their bravery at a state ceremony in Springfield. They entered the collapsed building and began search and rescue efforts. Officers wake up every day and put their lives on the line to protect us. Thank you!

Medal of Honor Recipients:

Officer Joseph Danielak
Officer David Ellingson|
Officer Christopher Garcia
Officer Joseph McDermott
Officer Dillon Rackley
Officer Zachary Reese
Officer Mark Weiland


Steve Stadelman
May 18 at 11:20 AM
I'm a Packers fan, but it was great talking to Chicago Bears linebacker Tremaine Edmunds. Appreciate he came to Rockford days before the start of OTA practices to teach and mentor kids taking part in the Rockford Park District's football camp this weekend!