Stadelman commends responsible budget, voices optimism for program that could address vacant Singer mental health site

State Senator Steve Stadelman released the following statement after the governor’s Fiscal Year 2026 budget address on Wednesday:

“We must pass a balanced budget this year that continues to set Illinois up for success. The governor’s proposal is a good starting point from which we can further develop into a solid budget that upholds our state’s priorities.

“I’m pleased to see the continued investments in education at all levels. Our students deserve access to quality resources and educational attainment. The $350 million increase for evidence-based funding in K-12 schools and the MAP grant increases for public higher education institutions continue to show Illinois’ commitment to bettering our educational system.

“I’m really excited to hear about the new program that aims to address vacant state properties like the former Singer Mental Health Center in Rockford. This land has been empty for years, and the new Surplus to Success initiative would allow for the remediation of the site -- in turn, creating more economic opportunity and development in the region.

“The state has seen many credit upgrades as a result of more responsible budgeting in recent years, and my hope is we can build this year’s budget on the foundation of the fiscally responsible decisions we have made before.

“People are counting on us to make common sense decisions in Springfield, and as budget negotiations go on, I’m going to advocate for smart spending so we can get to a place where the budget is fiscally sound, helps our economy and represents our needs."

Second Chances Summit provides more than 80 with free legal advice

Stadelman offers life-changing event for 5th year 

olunteer attorneys met one-on-one Friday with 84 people hoping to improve their lives by erasing or concealing old court records at State Senator Steve Stadelman's fifth Second Chances Summit at the Nordlof Center in downtown Rockford.

Attorneys -- who included Stadelman's colleague in Springfield, State Rep. Dave Vella -- donated their talent and expertise preparing petitions to expunge or seal eligible criminal records as permitted under Illinois law. A judge ultimately rules on the petitions after they are filed in court.

Stadelman organized the summit for a fifth year to help people who find that their transgressions from many years past can present long-term obstacles to obtaining better jobs and housing or furthering their education.
"I view this as economic development. Businesses tell me all the time about the difficulties they have filling jobs," Stadelman said, "and this event helps develop the local workforce and helps individuals find better employment. Throughout the year, I hear from people whose lives were changed because they were able to access this free legal assistance."

Prairie State Legal Services, Rockford Public Library and United Way of the Rock River Valley returned as event partners; Fisk & Monteleone Ltd, Dady Law Group and Fabiano Law Offices provided financial support. More than 400 people received free legal help at summits in 2018, 2019, and 2022 and 2023; the COVID-19 pandemic prevented the event from occuring in 2020 and 2021.


In case you missed me on Facebook ...

Steve Stadelman
February 20 at 4:48 PM

Congratulations to Midway Village Museum on today's ribbon-cutting for the new permanent exhibit, "You're in the Army Now: Camp Grant, Rockford's Legacy." The exhibit emphasizes Camp Grant's lasting influence on our community including its economic impact from the thousands of jobs associated with former U.S. Army training grounds. If you have time this weekend, I encourage you to check out one of the public open houses: 10 AM - 4 PM SAT and NOON - 4 PM SUN.



Steve Stadelman
February 19 at 9:23 AM
Motorists learned about the Rebuild I-39 project at an Illinois Department of Transportation open house at CherryVale Mall yesterday. The public update focused on the Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) traffic design that will replace the cloverleaf at U.S. 20 near the mall. If you missed the open house, check out for more information.