ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman has introduced a bill that would change how unemployment benefits are paid, reduce layoffs and save the state money.
If passed, Senate Bill 3530 would provide for "shared-work benefits" in Illinois. Under work-share legislation, businesses that find themselves struggling in a weak economy could temporarily reduce hours -- rather than lay off workers – and the workers could collect reduced unemployment benefits while staying on the job part time.
"Chrysler's layoff of 325 workers at the Belvidere Assembly Plant just last week suggests our economic recovery is still fragile," said Stadelman, D-Loves Park.
"Work-share legislation is a triple-win," he said. "Businesses get to keep already-trained employees on staff, and employees get to keep their jobs while collecting partial benefits until they return to work full time. The state wins, too, by saving money that would have been paid to laid-off workers drawing full benefits."
Similar programs, also known as "short-time compensation," have been successfully implemented in 17 other states including Iowa and Missouri.
Under Stadelman's proposal, Illinois would offer partial benefits when an employer cuts hours among at least 10 percent of its staff and shares the remaining work among affected employees.
"The value of work-share plans cannot be over-emphasized," Stadelman said. "Employees who otherwise face layoffs gain a sense of security and peace of mind, and businesses avoid the upheaval of letting skilled workers go and retraining new ones."
ROCKFORD – Illinois State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Loves Park) along with the Citizens Utility Board is sponsoring an event where consumers can learn more about their options from reducing their gas, electric and landline telephone bills.
"Because of this winter's subzero temperatures citizens, have been hit with a combination of higher usage and higher rates for utilities," Stadelman said. "Since October, prices per unit have gone up from 39 cents to 51 cents for consumers. This event offers an opportunity to learn about all the options available to them."
The event will feature one-on-one analysis from CUB experts on gas, electric and landline phone bills, information on spotting billing errors and incentives designed to help people improve energy efficiency.
The event will be held at 6 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Zeke Giorgi Center. Register by calling Senator Stadelman's office at (815) 987-7557.
ROCKFORD– Illinois State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Loves Park) and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) are partnering to sponsor several Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) events.
"Figuring out how to pay for college can be an especially daunting task for prospective students," Stadelman said. "These events are a great opportunity for families to learn about all the financial aid available to them."
February 4, 2014: RPS FAFSA Completion Night at Guilford High School – 6:00pm – 7:30pm
February 5, 2014: RPS FAFSA Completion Night at Auburn High School – 6:00pm to 7:30pm
February 12, 2014: FAFSA Completion Night - Rock Valley College – Student Center – 6:00pm
February 19, 2014: RPS FAFSA Completion Night at East High School – 6:30pm – 8:00pm
February 27, 2014: RPS FAFSA Completion Night at Jefferson High School – 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Items to bring:
SPRINGFIELD – After listening to Gov. Pat Quinn's State of the State Address, Illinois State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Loves Park) felt encouraged by the governor's plan to help small businesses and spur economic growth.
"I have been focused on economic development in Rockford," Stadelman said. "I was pleased to hear the governor talk about things we can do right now to help create jobs, like lowering business fees and establishing a small business advocate."
Stadelman is hopeful Quinn will work diligently with the General Assembly to pass legislation that improves the economic climate in Illinois.
"I look forward to hearing what Governor Quinn has to say about funding new infrastructure projects throughout the state in his upcoming budget address," Stadelman said.
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