State opens process for $16 million in home improvement grants
Eligible local governments and nonprofit organizations can apply to participate in the state’s Home Repair and Accessibility Program. HRAP provides funding to approved agencies to then provide grants to low- and extremely low-income homeowners to make health and safety, accessibility and energy efficiency repairs to their homes.
According to the U.S. Census, the average single-family home in Illinois was built in 1972. HRAP helps to preserve existing affordable housing stock, support underserved communities and keep seniors and people with disabilities stay in their homes.
Local governments and other qualified organizations interested in administering the program on behalf of the Illinois Housing Development Authority are advised to register in advance to attend a webinar with IHDA staff at 10:30 a.m.February 10.
Applications will be accepted through 3:00 p.m. March 14. HRAP program requirements and the application can be found online.
POLITICO interviews Stadelman on double wallop of flooding in communities with housing shortages
A quarter of all large metro areas face both housing shortages and high flood risk, according to a recent analysis by POLITICO that lead with last summer's flooding in the Keith Creek neighborhood as a prime example and that quoted State Senator Steve Stadelman in the third paragraph.
“It’s a predicament that’s very real,” Stadelman told the Arlington, Virginia-based digitial newspaper. “We need more housing. And flooding just complicates that because it removes properties from the equation."
POLITICO compared housing supply and flood-exposure data for 169 large metropolitan areas across 46 states and Washington, D.C., finding roughly a quarter face elevated risk in both categories.
"Rockford is one of 41 large metro areas where housing shortages could be exacerbated by higher flood risks," POLITICO reported. "The pattern lays bare how the impact of extreme weather events is growing across states, bedeviling mayors, lawmakers and economic officials on how to expand housing supply knowing the increasing likelihood of it being swept away."
Read the full POLITICO article.
Members of the Rockford Fire Department respond to rescue calls after heavy rains caused the area surrounding the Keith Creek to flood, in Rockford, Illinois, early on July 14, 2024. | Ethan Wiles/WREX
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State Senator Steve Stadelman
February 5 at 2:40 PM
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death for women, yet less than 50% of women recognize the true threat of this disease to their health. Today, We #WearRedForWomen on the Senate floor to spread awareness and foster prevention. Learn more:
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